For me, among the best practices of writing would be the research. Perhaps, as an upcoming author, one did not do suitable enough of research. Perhaps, as an author, one did. Research is essential in writing many kinds of literary works. These literary works include not only non-fiction, but, also, fiction.
Research can take an author a long way. Just so, the research tools range from libraries to offices dependent on the literary work. However, quite a number of writers have another amazing useful tool at hand, perhaps. This tool would be what is known as Google.
Google works with the computer. It works with cell phones and some other electronic devices. I prefer to use Google on my cell phone. It is so very convenient and a nice bedtime treat for me.
Some authors may question the purpose of research in writing. Naturally, to get the facts and to lay the foundation of the story itself are some purposes of research. Most especially, that the facts are straight is crucial in non-fiction literary works. It would not do to write a non-fiction piece of literary work that contained wrong facts.
Just as well, fiction deserves research, also. Perhaps the story written is not true or it is make believe, but to develop the story, an author needs a bit of a touch with reality for the story. This touch of reality can be achieved through research. I like to research my stories as I write because researching helps me to put more details into my stories. Even though some of my stories are not true, research connects my stories to reality.
An example of developing a story through using research is seen in my first self-published children’s storybook, The Treetop, the Wind, and the Balloon. When writing the story, I knew what I wanted to say and to convey, but I was stuck for an ending. Google came to the rescue. One bedtime, I started to Google about trees. I asked Google many questions on trees.
After numerous inquiries, I had a light bulb experience, that is an idea. I wondered to myself what if I ended my story about the treetop, the wind and a balloon with a reference to a famous, real tree. I liked the idea. Hence, there was rise to the ending of my first book. It was an ending made to order because of research.
As a college student, I had to write papers. These papers were for English class and other classes, such as Chemistry. I frequented the libraries to research for these papers. I used old and new books. I used articles in journals and magazines. Newspaper articles were available as a research tool, also. Facts and information are in libraries just waiting to be gleaned. The formation of the structure of a paper or literary work can arise from these researched facts and information.
Just exactly how do I consider that research lends itself to the development of a literary work. Well, research discovers facts and information. These are like the pieces of a puzzle. The more facts and information that there are, the more pieces there are to fit in the puzzle or the literary work. Hence, the story unravels as the facts and information are presented as well as connected. Even fiction makes use of facts.
Consider the story, The Treetop, the Wind, and the Balloon as an example where research gave rise to the story. Research revealed that there was a wind such as a zephyr. The zephyr blew the balloon, not simply any ordinary wind. The fact that the zephyr blew the balloon definitely makes the story livelier.
Consider my upcoming children’s storybook, The Nanny of Keck Park. Research into a real park laid the foundation of facts for the story. Although imagination is at play in the story, facts solidify the story like concrete.
Common knowledge helps lay foundations, but it is with research that the pizzazz to the story arises. Even science fiction needs facts, which research reveals. Although make believe has an appeal, so too, does the reality of facts. Keep in mind that we are real substance creatures.
In conclusion, I consider a literary work that has no research must be either pure imagination or poor writing. Usually, facts are presented in a story to back up that story. Facts for a story can be obtained by researching specific topics pertaining to that story. The researching of facts can make or break a story. Foundations need to be laid in a literary work. This includes works resultant of pure imaginings or otherwise. So go ahead, Google or go to the library. Research! Research!