About the Author
Born and raised in Jamaica, Assad R. Wright graduated from Mico Teachers’ College with a teachers’ diploma, and the University of the West Indies with a B.A. degree. Subsequently, he graduated from Long Island University in New York with an M.A. in Political Science. He then attended the CUNY Graduate Center in New York where he completed all requirements, but the dissertation for a doctoral degree in political science. He taught eleven years in Jamaica, eleven years in New York, including three years in American Government and Politics at York College, and twenty three years in Dade County Public schools in Florida. He is now retired from teaching and is currently a pastor of a local assembly in Miami. This is the sequel to his first book, The Ring the Bomb and the Word: The Face of the American Homegrown Terrorist.
Synopsis of the Book
In the stunning novel, Hijacking of the American Presidency: Terrorists in the White House, a disaffected faction from the Evangelical Right, seeks to put its own man in the White House, allowing it the ability not only to control domestic as well as foreign policy, but also to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on nations believed to be the future enemies of America. To accomplish this they are prepared to assassinate major political figures, including the sitting president.
Disillusioned and fed up with what they consider the Twiddle-Dum, Twiddle-Dee syndrome of Washington politics, which has led to a never-ending dysfunctionality and the erosion of America’s ethical and moral foundation, this ultra-conservative splinter group has picked the perfect candidate for the White House.
This group is prepared to subvert the constitution of the United States and to assassinate anyone in its way to achieve what it perceives as its divine mandate.
In a plot that includes the manipulation of the nation’s leading scientists in Nano-technology, the subversives plan to deliver time-delayed poisons to the pilots of Airforce One two weeks before flying the president to a crucial Atomic Energy conference in Australia and anyone else who were in opposition.
Faced with such an unprecedented threat, the religious unit of the Department of Homeland Security Anti-Terrorism Task Force has been called on to thwart this threat. The unit is prepared to deploy the department’s secret weapon; the F-117ARW Remora, a recently perfected stealth aircraft capable of latching onto the underbelly of Airforce One and spiriting the Commander in Chief back to Washington without the conspirators becoming aware of the failure of that part of their plan.
This turned out to be a race against time with seconds to spare before the start of World War111.
I enjoyed the first book! I’m anticipating this sequel.
The first one left me hanging. I’m glad the author followed it up!