Everyone, welcome to Authors’ Lounge. I would like to give a loud ‘Thank you!’ to Authors’ lounge for promoting our book, Aryana and the Moon Goddess. My name is Richard Buckner. I am your average, middle-class American guy. I work an eight am to seven pm job, six days a week. Married to a beautiful Vietnamese lady Hong, who gave me three gorgeous and very smart daughters.
Aryana and the Moon Goddess it has been just – wow! What a great joy this book has been! Many years ago, I had these crazy ideas that I knew I had to jot this stuff down on paper. Sometimes I would say to myself, who am I kidding…I am no writer, I would get distressed, quit, but then a spark would rekindle me. I would sit with my daughters and talk about these stories. My daughters are very talented: art, writing, etc. I love my daughters very much; they are my world. I had been working on another book for quite a long time, but nothing like this one, a much different novel. I stopped writing it because of work and by many other distractions. One day, while working, I thought about my daughters and said to myself, “You know what? I’ll let my daughters create a story about a heroic female.” I pondered and brained-stormed until one night I had a spectacular dream. I watched my book play out in this splendor of a dream. A warrior that takes on an unbeatable foe that could not be killed, an enemy that everyone fears to challenge. After that night, I started typing with every chance I got. My grandson who’s name is Elan became my little character Elique, it was just falling into place.
Then almost half way through the writing, something else happened. I work in a salon that my wife and I opened. That day, a very special young lady came through my door that changed my story for the better. Her name was Miracle. A young African American girl, who, I believe, to be around ten or eleven years old. Miracle and her mom came in regularly. Many of the times I took care of her. She is so wonderful to talk with, has a great smile and a wonderful personality. What I loved the most about her was how she carried herself. Most young ladies already carry themselves very well; however, for one difference, Miracle has a disability that she cannot hide or cover up. This did not prevent her from walking with her back straight and her head held high and a large smile shining on her face.
Then on one particular day, she came back into the shop, and when I spoke with her something just clicked. I leaned forward and said, “You’re going to be in a story.” She smiled and asked, “What?” I said to her I am putting you in the story I am working on, if it was okay. She only smiled. Time went by as I diligently worked. I had to go back and scrap so much completed work to recreate my main character. I needed this one to be the hero and would succeed in her journey even with the same handicap as Miracle. It was a challenge to do this. In the end, it worked out. I never said much about it to anyone except to my daughter, Suelynn. She had always wanted to write a book.
Knowing this, I knew I had to do it. I needed my kids and my relatives to know it can be done! I pushed and pushed myself. After doing what I felt was good on my end, it was my daughter’s turn. I called her up and asked, “Hey, you want to help me with this story? I really need your assistance.” And she agreed. I sent it to her, provided an estimated deadline, and told her my goals while also letting her know she could add her ideas and have fun with it. She was hesitant at first then says, “Okay…I’ll do my best.” My daughter and I worked hard. We agreed on some ideas and disagreed on others. We would negotiate on different parts of it even if it meant getting calls late at night until we agreed. For example, Aryana in my original plan became Aryana early on, yet my daughter said, “No, it shouldn’t be this. The title needs to be given to the character as a hero’s award, as an acceptance.” And it happened.
This story is set to be a trilogy. The others are coming.
A little more about this story. You will love it, as everyone has.
A young girl, an impossible quest, a forbidden love, enemies unlike no others. This is where this tale will take you. Join Aryana on her mission, in an attempt to defeat a tyrant, an evil Goddess, one that has caused people throughout many kingdoms fear and suffering. Travel with her as she makes new friends, becomes discouraged, encounters dangers overcomes her own fears. Be with Aryana on her missions, support her as she loses hope. Welcome the beginning of a series, Aryana and the Moon Goddess.
This is just my kind of book. A fantasy adventure with a sprinkle of romance.
Yes! I was worried the romance would have been forced in the story (as some books have a completely unnecessary love story) but this love story was really gripping.