Book 2 ABSTRACT book2of3 This book has three sections. First, I discuss the Philosophy of Law of Plato and Aristotle. This is directly relevant to the Obama administration. Then I discuss gun running in Fast and Furious. Finally, I discuss gun running in Benghazi.
They are directly related to our philosophy of government. My research found that the Obama administration is ignoring the Constitution and switching the philosophy of government from what our founders set in place in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. This is the underlying causal problem in both Fast and Furious and Benghazi. The Obama administration is acting like an emperor and in that position he feels that he does not have to respond to laws or the people – just “do as I say because I can override the law”.
This is the philosophy of Plato expressed clearly in his book, The Republic. Part 1 – Plato v. Aristotle Philosophy of Government In strong contrast, the founders followed the philosophy of government of Aristotle, which ascribes to managing a nation under one set of laws that the emperor as well as the people must live under. Obama has switched that philosophy to Plato who held that a King / Emperor could override the laws of the people. Thus, what the King wanted became the law.
This is a major switch in government philosophy for this nation. This is so important and fundamental that the book examines this concept from its source to its current polar switch. Part 2 – Fast and Furious Obama now acts as the Emperor / King that operates under the philosophy of Plato and that allows him to ignore the Constitution and do whatever he desires. If he were obeying the Constitution and the Law, why isn’t he being held liable for violating these laws?
Why did he support Eric Holder in directly ignoring the Congress? It is now apparent that the State Department (Hillary Clinton) and the CIA (Leon Panetta) in Benghazi and the State Department (Hillary Clinton) and the Justice Department (Eric Holder) in Mexico conducted gunrunning operations. In both instances, guns were intended to be delivered to “declared enemies of America”.
Because of these actions, in both instances, many people were killed among which were several Americans. Further, it appears as if the guns supplied by our government killed thousands of foreign people in Mexico, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. Further, the guns supplied in Libya are now known to have been used to shoot down 40 American helicopters in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, most of the actual deaths are not fully documented anywhere.
These gun transfers were in open violation of our existing law and in fact helped our enemies because they were being transferred to known enemies of America. They clearly violated the Constitution, which states in Article III, Section 3: “Treason against the United States, shall consist in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
These words raise the question that if the government under orders, from the Executive, “aids” the nation’s enemies which are the drug cartels in Mexico (re: War on Drugs) or supplies arms to Al Qaeda (re: enemies we are fighting in the Mid-East because of 911), should be questioned as potential “Acts of Treason” per the Constitution. If so, then the motivation for “cover up” becomes vividly clear.
On the other hand, the legal issue may be “smoky” since President Obama formally issued an order to aid the Libyan but not the Syrian rebels, some of whom were Al Qaeda (in Libya) and ISIS (in Syria). By definition, supplying arms to our stated enemies, the Al Qaeda, was a treasonous act per the Constitution. This executive order action provides arms to our enemies. These issues are explored in the book. Further, the details of what happened are delimited. They include – Fast and Furious · A Department of Justice operation en.