How to log in and sign up with Authors' Lounge?
Logging in | Signing Up
Soon as you have hit the submit button, you will recieve an email whether or not you have been approved or not. It usually takes 24 to 72 hours for the process. You may review our privacy policy, terms and conditions.
How to post your article with Authors' Lounge?
Posting your article
You will then be taken to the submit a post dashboard.
It takes some practice to get yourself familiar with the dashboard, go ahead and immerse yourself to many of its features.
- For novices, you may want to hit “Use Default editor” when writing the body of your article.
- To include a featured image (book cover or your photo) hit “Featured Image”.
- When done writing your article, hit submit.
It usually takes 5 minutes to 24 hours to have your article approved and posted.
When writing an article, make sure that you follow our guidelines below.
How do I share my article with fellow authors and friends?
Sharing your article here at Authors’ Lounge builds you an audience and helps in promoting your book or whatever it is you have posted with us.
Soon as your article is appoved and posted, proceed at the bottom of your article and you’ll see social media icons like Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn.